Terms and Conditions



All players participating in any Ultimate Pool Group (UPG) event - whether of professional or amateur status - must acknowledge, agree, and adhere to all the standard terms and conditions below. Please make sure you read and understand them.

These terms and conditions are subject to change and all decisions made by the UPG are final.

Should any amendments to these terms and conditions be made, they will be referenced near the end of this document and may be made known to players via email and on social media. Please note, it is the responsibility of the player to be aware of any changes to these terms - please read before each event - and to keep the UPG informed of any changes to their contact details.

Should it be brought to the attention of the UPG that any of these terms and conditions have been breached, the player in question may face disciplinary action for bringing the organisation and the sport into disrepute.

If a situation arises that is not covered by any of these terms and conditions, the decision of the UPG will be final.

Should you want to ask a question about anything in relation to these terms and conditions, please speak to a UPG Official or email info@ultimatepoolgroup.com.


Tournament Director: A nominated official who is in charge and oversees the operations and running of a tournament.

International 8-Ball Pool Rules: The playing rules that Ultimate Pool events are played under.

UPG Official/s: Can refer to anyone in a position of power at or away from UPG events. This includes the Tournament Director, a titled UPG officer (as per the list on the UPG website) or a referee.

Head Referee: In charge of and oversees a team of referees for an event.

Tournament Desk: An area where the Tournament Director and other UPG Officials are generally based during an event.

Walkover: This is what a ‘player’ receives when their ‘opponent’ does not turn up for any part of the match. The ‘player’ will receive a win.

Participant: A Participant can be anyone who is involved with a UPG event, this includes and is not restricted to; players, officials, UPG officers and internal staff working on an event (such as part of the media and television production team).

Connected: An individual is connected to a Participant if they are either a family member, a manager, a player managed by the same manager as the Participant, a business partner or an associate of the Participant.

Please note, throughout these Standard Terms and Conditions, the word/term ‘player’ may also relate to ‘players’ for those competing in a pairs/team event.


1) Playing Rules: Unless otherwise advertised, all UPG events are played to International 8-Ball Pool Rules. These can be found on the UPG website under the ‘Rules’ tab.

However, each event may have its own additional tournament rules attached to it. Such additional rules (such as a shot-clock, match-clock, golden break, golden duck etc.) will be made aware to entrants.

All matches shall begin with a lag, with the winner determining whether they wish to break first or last.

Players shall only use playing equipment that is sanctioned under the rules of International 8-Ball Pool Rules. Should a player wish to seek permission to use an unauthorised piece of equipment, they must write in advance to the UPG via info@ultimatepoolgroup.com at least seven days before the start of the subsequent event they wish to use the equipment for.

2) Deposits & Payments: All entry fees must be paid in full before the event starts.

In terms of an Ultimate Pool Series (Professional, Challenger, Women's), all entry fees for the season must be paid in full before the first event starts (unless otherwise advertised). All players must pay all of the entry fees, even if they do not attend all of the events.

Deposits and all entry fees are non-refundable.

The organisers reserve the right to remove and replace any entrant who fails to make a payment deadline.

By paying your deposit/entry fee it is deemed that you have read and agreed to abide by the rules set out by the UPG in these Standard Terms and Conditions.

3) Entries/Draws/Formats: The UPG has the right to refuse entries. The UPG has the right to close entries for an event earlier than advertised and to also extend the closing date of entries.

Players who are classed as a professional by any other 8-ball pool organisation are not permitted to enter any Ultimate Pool 'Series'. This includes, but is not limited to, the Professional/Pro Series, Challenger Series and Women's Series.

Players are expected to be at the venue 30 minutes prior to their start time although start times may be delayed if previous matches have overrun.

The UPG has the right to change a previously scheduled start time. In this case, the players involved will be informed and given as much notice as possible.

Unforeseen circumstances may mean that the UPG needs to cancel or change an event at short notice – in both instances, the UPG has the right to do so. This could mean changing the venue and/or rescheduling the date of an event. The UPG will not be responsible for any personal costs incurred in these instances.

If an event is cancelled, the player will be refunded their relevant entry fees and any official hotel fees that have been arranged through the UPG.

If an event is rescheduled, the player will be offered the opportunity to have their entry fees and any official hotel fees that have been arranged through the UPG to the new planned date or be refunded.

The UPG aims to publish draws and a match schedule for an event at least one week before the event begins. These can be found on the UPG website (ultimatepool.tv) under the ‘Live Scoring’ tab.

Many UPG events have different formats and specific competition rules attached to them – such details for each event can be found under the ‘Tournaments’ tab on the UPG website.

Matches on a ‘main arena’ table are likely to be under match and shot-clock conditions. Players prior to the match will be informed of the format.

Please note that the UPG has the right to change the advertised format details of an event if it is deemed necessary and/or for the benefit of an event. This may be at very short notice.

It is a player’s sole responsibility to make sure they are aware of their start time for matches.

4) Prize Money: Prize money payouts for each event are published in advance of a competition starting. Please visit the relevant tournament page on the UPG website.

If the UPG cannot supply a full list of prize money breakdown payouts, it will at least supply the top prize information.

For players that win prize money, the UPG will aim to pay this out within twenty (20) working days, providing the player’s relevant banking details are on file.

5) Rankings/Seedings: The UPG operates ranking lists throughout the season. There is a “Professional Ranking List”, a “Challenger Series Ranking List” and a “Women’s Series Ranking List”.

The UPG aims to update rankings within a week of an event concluding. These will be published under the ‘Live Scoring’ tab on the UPG website.

UPG invitational events will not count towards any ranking list.

For detailed, up-to-date information on ranking events, points and structure, please visit the ‘Tournaments’ tab on the UPG website.

For UPG events where seedings are used, the UPG may push up the next highest ranked player from the relevant ranking list to fill a seeding position if the original seed player has not entered an event.

The UPG has the right to put a 'wildcard' player into a seeded position for an event.

6) Promotion/Relegation: At the end of each season, a previously advertised number of players will be promoted from the Challenger Series and Women’s Series to the Ultimate Pool Professional ranks for the following season.

It is mandatory for these players to take up their positions in the professional ranks. If a player declines, they are likely not to be allowed to enter any Ultimate Pool event for at least the following season.

Any professional snooker player wildcards with Ultimate Pool professional player status are exempt from relegation.

Further information on promotion (and relegation, where applicable) can be found on the UPG website under the 'Tournaments' tab. Please then click on the relevant event/season.

7) Practice Facilities: Please speak to a UPG Official regarding the availability of practice facilities at an event.

8) Table Allocation: The allocation of tables for matches will be determined by the UPG and its partners. There are sometimes several factors that the UPG needs to consider including fairness, sponsors, in-arena supporters and viewing audiences.

Table allocation for matches may change at very short notice.

The UPG’s decision on table allocation is final.

9) Registration / Lateness / Not Being Ready for Play: Players are kindly asked to register with the Tournament Desk at least 15 minutes before their allocated match start time. The location of the Tournament Desk will be signposted within the venue.

If a player is not present and ready to play at the correct table of play for their match at its allocated start time, their opponent is to make a UPG Official at the Tournament Desk aware.

That (or another nominated/designated) UPG official will then make an announcement that the player who is not present and not ready to play is now ‘on the clock’.

This means that for every ten minutes from the designated start time, until the absent player is present and ready to play, their opponent will be awarded a frame until the match target is reached. If the match target is reached, this will be the outcome of the match.

For example, if a match was scheduled at 12:00 and a player wasn’t present and ready to play until 12:37, their opponent would be 3-0 up.

Should a situation occur where someone is ‘on the clock’, the UPG has the right to use that affected table for another match. Should the late player turn up, the match may be put on a different table and the players may need to wait for a table to become available.

If a player knows that they are going to be late for their allocated start time, the UPG would appreciate it if they could contact (or get a message via someone else to) a UPG Official as soon as they can – providing it is safe for them to do so.

The Tournament Director/UPG Official may use discretion on the above rules in exceptional circumstances.

10) Non-Attendance: If a player knows that they are not going to be attending a UPG event, they must contact a UPG Official at least 24 hours before the start time of their first match and formally withdraw from that event by declaring so.

If a player does not make a UPG Official aware that they will not be attending, or if they are going to be late (as per Point 9), the player may be disciplined (unless there are exceptional circumstances relating to the situation, such as illness/injury).

11) Reserves and Replacements: The UPG reverses the right to replace an entrant, and/or add entrants to an event.

Once an event draw has been published, a player may withdraw from that event, although they will not be entitled to a refund.

If a player withdraws from an event after the draw has been published, the withdrawn player will not replaced, and their opponent will receive a Walkover.

12) Referees: There will always be at least one qualified International Rules Organisation (IRO) referee either officiating or roaming at an event. All players have the right to request a referee for a rule clarification/dispute/to witness a shot/make a decision etc. If you cannot find a referee, please speak to a UPG Official (may be found at the Tournament Desk).

Players are reminded to respect the decision of referees/officials, but they do have the right to escalate and speak to the Head Referee and/or Tournament Director.

13) Coaching: Coaching is not permitted during play. For clarity, this includes between frames during a match. (The only exception to this rule may be in a ‘pairs’ or ‘team’ event – details of which would be made aware to all players prior to commencing play).

Coaching is allowed during designated breaks within a match of 10 minutes or more, and in-between matches.

If a player believes their opponent is being unlawfully coached, they are entitled to inform a referee at the venue of the situation.

14) Communication Devices: Players are not permitted to use any sort of communication device (such as a mobile phone, smart watch, headphones etc.) during a match, including between frames.

Players are allowed to use communication devices during a designated break of at least 10 minutes during a match, and in-between matches.

If a player believes their opponent is using a communication device unlawfully, they are entitled to inform a referee at the venue of the situation.

Special dispensation may be given to a player to use a communication device in exceptional circumstances.

15) Late Running Matches/Slow Play: At the discretion of the Tournament Director, a player may be put ‘on the clock’ if a match is running behind schedule and/or if a player is deemed to be taking too long to complete their shots.

Players competing in UPG events with a match-clock element must not waste time in the ‘opening phase of the match’.

For clarity, ‘the opening phase of the match’ is the duration of time before the shot-clock is reduced within a match. For example, the first 15 minutes of a match may be with a 30-second shot-clock before the final 5 minutes changes to a 15-second shot-clock. ‘The opening phase of the match’ would be the first 15 minutes.

16) Breaks in Play: Other than designated or sanctioned breaks at the permission of a referee/UPG Official/Tournament Director, matches are generally played to their completion without an interval.

However, players are permitted to use the toilet facilities and get refreshments from inside the venue during a match but are asked to do this in a timely and prompt manner, and – if possible – to inform their opponent of doing so.

Cigarette breaks at any time during a match – except for a designated break of at least 10 minutes – are not permitted.

A brief medical timeout is allowed should a player have a health requirement. If such a situation requires a ‘lengthy’ break in play, the Tournament Director will decide on the best and fairest course of action.

If a player's cue becomes damaged during the course of play, they may seek permission from a referee or the Tournament Director to have a 15-minute 'equipment timeout'. The referee or Tournament Director will decide whether the damage is substantial enough to grant an ‘equipment timeout’.

If a player is not ready to play after these 15 minutes, they will forfeit the current frame and lose a frame every ten minutes from this point – as per point 9.

Please note, an ‘equipment timeout’ is very unlikely to be granted during a ‘timed’ match (by ‘timed’ this means a match where a match-clock is in operation).

If a player believes their opponent is making too many unnecessary breaks in play, they are entitled to inform a referee at the venue of the situation.

For matches that are being televised live, there will be advertisement breaks in between certain frames.

17) Completion of Frames and Matches: All frames and matches in all UPG events should be completed, unless with the permission or acceptance of a referee.

If a frame or match is not played or conceded unnecessarily early without the permission or acceptance of a referee, the offending player involved may forfeit prize money and/or ranking points.

18) Guests: Players in UPG events are welcome to bring guests with them to the venue. However, please endeavour to educate your guests about their behaviour whilst at UPG events, such as showing respect to others and the venue itself. Should the behaviour of any guest be deemed inappropriate whilst at the event, the guest may be asked to leave immediately.

19) Alcohol: Under no circumstances is alcohol to be consumed in the playing area (for clarification, this means around the pool table itself).

Away from the playing area at events, players are asked to drink responsibly and act in a manner that is befitting of their status as a UPG competitor and representative.

Should a player be deemed to have consumed too much alcohol prior to or during a match that they are competing in, the player in question may be disqualified by the Tournament Director.

Players competing in a match may not consume alcohol in-between frames but may do so during designated breaks of 10 minutes or more (away from the playing area).

Should a player be reported or caught consuming alcohol during a match, the player may be disciplined and face ‘losing’ a frame or disqualification.

20) Drugs: The UPG takes a strong stance on the supply of illegal drugs and illegal drugtaking.

As the UPG is recognised by the World Eightball Pool Federation (WEPF) as the official organisers and promoters of English 8-Ball Pool events, the UPG will adopt the WEPF’s Drugs/Anti-Doping Policy. Please visit the WEPF website here for the full policy.

Random drug testing on players may take place during UPG events at any time.

21) Grievances: If a player has a grievance that relates to the UPG, they must raise this directly with the UPG through the proper communication channels;

If at an event, the player can speak directly to a referee or UPG Official in person.

If away from an event, the player can contact the UPG via email on info@ultimatepoolgroup.com. (The UPG will aim to respond to this grievance within five working days).

Players are urged to contact the UPG about a grievance in the first instance before putting it into the public domain (such as on social media).

The decision of the UPG on such grievances will be final.

22) Communications and Publishing Rights: When a player enters a UPG event, the player gives permission for their name to be published on UPG internal communication platforms such as social media and the website which will be in the public domain. In turn, this information may be relayed to and/or shared by external parties such as the wider media which will also be in the public domain.

Photography and videography regularly take place at UPG events. When a player enters a UPG event, they give permission for their image to be published by the UPG via the channels already mentioned.

A player’s image may be used on relevant UPG advertising material such as posters to promote an event.

If there are any issues with the above, please contact a UPG Official.

23) Television and Livestreaming: Certain matches at UPG events may be broadcast (live or delayed) on television or via a livestream platform.

The broadcasting of UPG events on television, livestreaming, on demand and social media platforms is an essential element to generating interest and revenue for UPG events. As such, any player entering a UPG event does so on the strict understanding and agreement that the image and video footage of themselves can be shown on any of the above media.

Players may be asked to take part in pre- and post-match interviews as part of the show. Players may be given guidance before engaging in any such activities.

If there are any issues with the above, please contact a UPG Official.

24) Media/Social Media Misconduct: Should any player or official be found to have made comments within the media or on social media networks that bring the UPG and/or the sport of International 8-Ball Rules Pool into disrepute, the offending player/official may be subject to disciplinary action.

Players and Officials are reminded about their respective Code of Conducts (Sections Two and Three below) and the Social Media Policy and Guidance (Section Eight).

25) Accommodation: It may be mandatory for competing players in a UPG event to stay a minimum number of nights in a named hotel. Players will be made aware of this condition beforehand on advertising material before they pay their entry.

For all players competing in the Ultimate Pool Series (Professional Series, Challenger Series, Women’s Series) it is mandatory to stay at least two nights (overnight Friday and overnight Saturday) at the nominated hotel venue that the events are being played in.

Accommodation for these Ultimate Pool Series events must be booked and paid for in full at least three weeks prior to a “Series” weekend. Failure to do so may mean you will not be included in the draw; you could be replaced in the event(s) and you won't be eligible for any refund of entry fees.

For all accommodation enquiries, please contact Neil Toms - Head of Tournament Operations on 07811 111855.

26) Safeguarding: The safety and well-being of the UPG’s players, officials, staff and supporters is paramount. Please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy below (Section Seven).

Should anyone believe there is a safeguarding issue relating to a UGP event or activity, please contact the UPG Safeguarding Officer Zac Leonard on +44 7809 616876 or zac.leonard@ultimatepoolgroup.com

In an emergency, always contact the emergency services (for example, if in the UK, 999).

27) Selling of Equipment: Only authorised license holders are permitted to sell cuesports equipment and paraphernalia whilst at UPG events.

In order to obtain a license, please contact the UPG on info@ultimatepoolgroup.com.

Anyone found selling equipment and paraphernalia without an authorised license may be removed from the event.

28) Data Use: Using the contact information that was supplied to them by entrants, the UPG may contact players to inform them of future events or to send them material such as newsletters or adverts. Players can unsubscribe or ask to be removed from the UPG’s database at any time.

DISCLAIMER: The UPG endeavours to provide accurate information and data to players and supporters, but from time-to-time errors may occur. Please email info@ultimatepoolgroup.com if you believe to have found an error, and the UPG will aim to respond within five working days.


All players – both professional and amateur – competing in UPG events must adhere to the rules of this UPG Player Code of Conduct:

  • Play by the rules of the sport of International 8-Ball Pool.
  • Try to play to the best of your ability at all times.
  • Act in a proper and sporting manner both on and off the table during events.
  • Set a positive example for others – please consider your influence on supporters and young players.
  • Be careful not to do or say anything that could intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the grounds of disability, their religion, race, colour or national or ethnic origin, sex or sexual orientation.
  • Adhere to a zero-tolerance environment on bullying at UPG events.
  • Control your temper.
  • Show respect to your opponents, supporters, officials, staff, the venue, equipment, the sport and yourself.
  • Cooperate with referees and officials.
  • Consider your actions away from UPG events and how they could impact your reputation, the reputation of Ultimate Pool, and the sport.

Should any of the points in this Player Code of Conduct be breached, it may be deemed that the player in question has brought the sport and the UPG into disrepute. Therefore, the player may be asked to explain their actions and subsequently face disciplinary action from the UPG.


All UPG Officials and referees shall act in the best interests of the sport of International 8-Ball Pool Rules. They shall:

  • Enforce the rules of International 8-Ball Pool.
  • Conduct themselves in a professional manner both at and away from events, upholding the honour of the sport and appropriately promoting it when they can.
  • Be careful not to do or say anything that could intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the grounds of disability, their religion, race, colour or national or ethnic origin, sex or sexual orientation.
  • Not abuse their power, overly interfere with or take advantage of their fellow officials, players, supporters or external staff at a venue. All officials and referees will respect and remain fair and impartial.
  • Confer with and respect the decision of a designated Head Referee or Tournament Director should there be an issue that requires further clarification or a second opinion.
  • Look out for the safety and well-being of fellow officials, players, supporters and external staff at a venue.
  • Make sure they are dressed in suitable attire – under the instruction of the Head Referee – whilst officiating or working at an event.
  • Under no circumstances consume alcohol whilst working at an event during a shift, although officials and referees are allowed to consume alcohol at the venue after their shift has finished.
  • Comply with the UPG Child Protection and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy.
  • Continue to make Ultimate Pool an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

UPG Officials and referees are to consider their actions away from UPG events and how this could impact their reputation, the reputation of Ultimate Pool, and the sport.

Should any of the elements of the UPG Official/Referee Code of Conduct be breached, it may be deemed that the official/referee in question has brought the sport and the UPG into disrepute. Therefore, the official/referee may be asked to explain their actions and subsequently face disciplinary action from the UPG.


This policy will be effective from Tuesday 24th October 2023.

This policy has been endorsed by the World Eight Ball Pool Federation (WEPF).

The Ultimate Pool Group (UPG) works hard to promote a positive and inclusive environment for all 8-ball pool players and supporters.

Success on the Ultimate Pool circuit is a results-based business, but the UPG is passionate about providing everyone with equal and fair opportunities to achieve their ambitions. The UPG’s tiered structure between the Professional and Challenger ranks facilitates this, with transparent relegation and promotion between the levels.

Whilst these circuits are open to all, one of the UPG’s core missions is to raise the profile and overall standard of the women’s game – which in turn will make the whole sport stronger. Commitment has been shown to this with the introduction of the Women’s Series in 2022.

The UPG will not discriminate on any grounds - including gender and gender identity – and will support individuals who are in the process of reassigning their sex. Steps in transition may be ‘social’ (for example - changing of name, appearance) and or ‘medical’ (for example – surgery, treatment).

Under the Equality Act 2010 - Gender reassignment refers to anyone who is proposing to undergo, is undergoing, or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning their sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex. The law protects players, officials and coaches from discrimination and clubs should support anyone taking steps to ‘reassign their sex’ (or transition), whether those steps are ‘social’ (e.g., changing their name and pronoun, the way they look or dress) or ‘medical’ (e.g., hormone treatment, surgery). UPG operates a self-identification policy with respect to gender and reserves the right to test hormone/testosterone levels in line with current IOC guidance.

Current IOC guidance at the date of policy publication is as follows:

Those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category under the following conditions:

  1. The athlete has declared that her gender identity is female. The declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.

  2. The athlete must demonstrate that her total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to her first competition (with the requirement for any longer period to be based on a confidential case-by-case evaluation, considering whether or not 12 months is a sufficient length of time to minimise any advantage in women’s competition)

  3. The athlete's total testosterone level in serum must remain below 10 nmol/L throughout the period of desired eligibility to compete in the female category.

  4. Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing. In the event of noncompliance, the athlete’s eligibility for female competition will be suspended for 12 months.

Applications to compete in the Women's Series

Applications from any trans or non-binary competitor who seeks to compete in the Women's Series must comply with the following process:

  • Notify UPG of a change in gender identity, this information will be recorded by UPG.

  • Submit an attestation from a medical professional that the competitor's total testosterone level in serum is below 10nmol/L and has been for at least 12 months prior to the competitor's first tournament. The testosterone level must remain below 10nmol/L whilst competing in the Women's Series.

  • The competitor's gender identity cannot be changed for a minimum of 4 years.

All information will be collated and stored in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Compliance with these conditions may be monitored by testing, in the event of non-compliance the competitor's eligibility for the Women's Series may be suspended for a period of up to 12 months.

Process for notification

Notifications must be made in writing and submitted to Zac Leonard at Zac.Leonard@UltimatePoolGroup.com


Unless otherwise advised or agreed, players must wear the polo shirt/shirt that has been supplied to them by the UPG.

If a player has not been supplied with a polo shirt/shirt, they may wear their own – this can be short or long-sleeved but must have a collar.

In addition to this, players must also wear:

  • Suit trousers (no limitations on colour and pattern)
  • Shoes (please make sure these are clean)

The Ultimate Pool logo must be visible on the left breast of playing attire at all times (unless otherwise agreed).

Players are permitted to wear a maximum of five logos on their playing attire for personal sponsors, but the UPG reserves the right to reduce this to four to accommodate a tournament sponsor’s logo (this may be at very short notice).

Players are permitted to wear sponsorship logo patches on their arm sleeves, but not on the back of their polo shirt/shirt.

Logo patches must not exceed the dimensions of 85mm x 50mm.

As referenced above, it may be mandatory for players to wear a tournament sponsor’s logo on the top right breast position. If this is the case, these patches/stickers will be supplied to the players.

Consideration will be made regarding a player’s age and religious beliefs on whether the wearing of a specific logo is legal and or appropriate.

Should a player’s personal sponsorship logo be deemed to be inappropriate or conflicts with an official Ultimate Pool tournament sponsor/partner, the player may be asked to remove or cover up the offending logo. Players are urged to discuss this with a UPG Official in good time before attending an event as the UPG will not be liable or responsible for any loss of revenue to the individual player or sponsor.

Should the UPG decide that a piece of attire is not appropriate for play, the player will be instructed to remove/change/alter the offending attire. If this is the case, the player is not deemed ‘ready to play’ until they are suitably dressed and could face consequences as per Section One, Point 9.

Players may be exempt from certain dress code rules due to medical reasons. Please speak to a UPG Official who will be able to advise.

If a 'series' (Professional, Challenger or Women's) player turns up to a series event without the polo shirt/shirt that they have been supplied with, they must purchase an official Ultimate Pool polo top as a replacement on-site and wear this before they are deemed ready to play.

For 2023, all 'Series' players must wear the shirt they have been allocated for the 2023 season, although they are also permitted to wear their 2022 'Series' shirt.


1. Overview

Current UPG professionals are not permitted to bet on any UPG event that they are playing in or have played in.

Current UPG Officials are not permitted to bet on any UPG event that they are working on or have worked on.

2. Betting misconduct

2.1 It shall be a breach of these rules for a Participant to do any of the following. Appropriate action will be taken against any player/official found, after investigation, to be in breach of these rules.

2.1.1 Betting:

(i) to place, accept, lay or otherwise make a bet with any other person in relation to the result, score, progress, conduct or any other aspect of a UPG event – this applies to current UPG professionals and Officials only;

(ii) to ensure the occurrence of a particular incident in a UPG event, which occurrence is (to the Participant’s knowledge) the subject of a bet and for which they or any person Connected to them expects to receive or has received any reward;

(iii) to have the power, actual or apparent, to influence the running of any company or other undertaking that promotes, brokers, arranges or conducts any form of betting activity in relation to a UPG event (a “betting organisation”) and/or to be involved in any capacity (including as a director or shadow director) in the running of any betting organisation and/or to hold, deal in, or control any voting rights associated with the securities or shares of any betting organisation, save that a holding of less than 5% of the issued share capital of a betting organisation, for investment purposes only, shall be disregarded;

2.1.2 Corruption:

(i) to fix or contrive, or to be a party to any effort to fix or contrive, the result, score, progress, conduct or any other aspect of a UPG event;

(ii) to seek or accept or offer or agree to accept any bribe or other reward to fix or to contrive in any way or otherwise to influence improperly the result, score, progress, conduct or any other aspect of a UPG event;

(iii) to fail, for reward, to perform to the best of their ability and in a fair and sporting manner in a UPG event.

(iv) to solicit, induce, entice, persuade, encourage or facilitate any Participant to breach any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph.

2.1.3 Misuse of inside information:

(i) to use for betting purposes, or to provide to any other person for such purposes, any information relating to a UPG sporting event that the Participant possesses by virtue of their position within the sport and that is not in the public domain or readily accessible by the public;

(ii) to provide information to any person for reward, before or during the event, regarding the competitors in a UPG event, the conditions, tactical considerations or any other aspect of the event, unless such information is already in or will come into the public domain without delay or is readily accessible by the public;

(iii) to solicit, induce, entice, persuade, encourage or facilitate any Participant to breach any of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph.

3. Reporting Breaches

3.1) In the event that a Participant is approached or solicited in any way (whether directly or indirectly) to influence the outcome or conduct of any game of English 8-ball pool whether or not in return for payment or any other form of remuneration or benefit (an "Approach"), that Participant (the "Reporting Participant") shall report such an Approach to the UPG (via a UPG Official) as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event not later than 24 hours after any such Approach being made. Further, the Reporting Participant shall provide the UPG (via a UPG Official) with all information in his or her knowledge relating to the Approach and shall co-operate in any subsequent investigation and/or other action(s) arising out of such a report.

3.2) Any Participant becoming aware of an Approach (as defined in clause 3.1 above) being made to another individual shall report such Approach to the UPG (via a UPG official) as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 24 hours of becoming aware of such Approach.

3.3) Any Participant who is aware of any other breach of the Betting Rules with the exception of those breaches specifically provided for in clause 3.1 shall notify the UPG (via a UPG Official) of such breach or breaches, as soon as reasonably practicable of becoming aware of that breach or breaches.

3.4) Each Participant shall co-operate with the UPG in any investigation carried out by the UPG under the provisions of these rules including (but not limited to):

  • 3.4.1) Providing a written statement setting out in detail all of the facts and circumstances with respect to any alleged breach;
  • 3.4.2) Attending to answer questions and provide such information at a time and place determined by the UPG;
  • 3.4.3) Providing to the UPG upon its request any documents, information or any other material of any nature whatsoever held by the Participant; and
  • 3.4.4) Procuring and providing to the UPG upon its request any documents, information or any other material of any nature whatsoever not held by the Participant which the Participant has the power to obtain.
  • 3.4.5) Providing the UPG with access to all records relating to the alleged breach. This includes, but is not limited to; betting accounts, bank records, telephone records, internet service records, social media accounts, email and other records stored on phones, tablets, electronic devices, computer hard drives or otherwise. To facilitate this, the Participant will surrender any such devices for examination by the UPG or its representative.

3.5) Any attempt by a Participant or any agreement with any other person (whether or not a Participant) to act in breach of any provision contained in these rules shall be treated for the purposes of these rules as if a breach of the relevant provisions had been committed by the Participant themselves.


Who this policy applies to:

  • The UPG’s workforce including employees, officials, referees, freelancers, volunteers and agency staff.
  • UPG pool players who attend UPG events including matches, competitions and tournaments.

who may from time to time come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults during their work and participation at UPG events.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding means keeping people safe from harm, abuse or neglect. Harm may be psychological or physical.

Abuse may be a single incident or something that occurs over a long period of time. It can take many forms and can be physical, mental/psychological, sexual abuse, threats of abuse or harm, controlling or intimidating conduct.

Potential risks for children at events include:

  • Accidental harm.

  • Being lost, unaccompanied or unsupervised.

  • Witnessing or being involved in inappropriate or dangerous behaviour (for example: anti-social behaviour, alcohol consumption, bullying, harassment, verbal or physical abuse)

  • Criminal predators including sexual predators.

The purpose of this policy

We recognise that UPG events may be attended by children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Protect children, young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults (*defined below) who may attend UPG events from harm arising from the conduct of UPG’s workforce or personnel associated with UPG; and
  • To provide information to UPG’s workforce, UPG’s pool players and audiences at its events, about the safeguarding policy adopted by UPG.

*A vulnerable adult (also known as an ‘adult at risk’) is a person aged 18 or over who, through age, physical or learning disability, physical or mental health condition, changes in circumstances, communication difficulties, are unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation or unable to report abuse.

We believe that:

  • Children, young people and vulnerable adults should never experience abuse of any kind; and

  • We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults and to keep them safe and to work in a way that protects them.

We recognise that:

  • The welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount in the work we do regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation and all have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.

  • Some children and young people are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.

  • Working in partnership with UPG’s Pool Players is essential in promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults who may attend UPG events.

We will seek to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults who come into contact with us through our work safe by:

  • Valuing, listening to and respecting them.

  • Appointing a nominated safeguarding lead.

  • Providing effective management for UPG’s workforce through supervision and support, training so that all of UPG’s workforce know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour codes confidently and competently.

  • Sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with UPG’s workforce, UPG’s pool players and event audiences.

  • Making sure members of UPG’s workforce, UPG’s pool players and events know where to go for help if they have a concern.

  • Using our safeguarding policy to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know appropriately.

  • Using our procedures to manage any allegations against UPG’s workforce appropriately.

  • Ensuring that we provide a safe physical environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults who may attend UPG events.

  • Recording, storing and using information that concerns safeguarding professionally and securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance.

  • Building a safeguarding culture at all of our events where all persons attending are comfortable about sharing their safeguarding concerns.

Event Planners

When the UPG is planning any activity involving children, young people or vulnerable adults, event planners must take steps to ensure that everyone working on the activity who will or might interact directly with children, young people or vulnerable adults are suitable to be involved.

Where a UPG activity will involve any member of UPG’s workforce working with children, young people or vulnerable adults, UPG must check whether a criminal background check is required.

Raising a concern:

If any person, including any member of UPG’s workforce, a UPG pool player, or an audience participant at a UPG event, has concerns about the behaviour of a member of UPG’s workforce or personnel associated with UPG towards a child, young person or vulnerable adult at a UPG event or as part of their work for UPG, please contact the nominated safeguarding lead who is Zac Leonard.

Your concern will be managed confidentially and in line with legal requirements.

Nominated Safeguarding Lead

Name: Zac Leonard

Phone: +44 7809 616876

Email: zac.leonard@ultimatepoolgroup.com


Social media is a great and easy tool to communicate with family, friends and fans, but it can also be a platform where people can post anonymous hate messages which can be very hurtful and detrimental to mental and physical health.

As an Ultimate Pool player or official, you will likely be in the public eye more than ever before. Of course, this is exciting and can provide you with opportunities, but it can also make you become a target for these ‘keyboard warriors’.

The Ultimate Pool Group wants you to enjoy your experiences on social media and to make you aware of your responsibilities as a sportsperson in the public eye.

Looking after yourself on social media

As a dedicated sportsperson trying to perform to the best of your abilities, you do not deserve to have abuse hurled at you in any form – yet alone by a person who can hide behind their keyboard and is trying to embarrass you on an open forum that all can see.

Remember, if you do receive such hate online, it could even be classed as criminal.

Ultimate Pool has created a few pointers if you do receive such comments online:

  • Do not engage with the perpetrator. Often ‘trolls’ want a reaction out of the person they are abusing – don’t give them want they want.

  • Consider blocking the account and reporting it – why should you be made to feel harassed and uncomfortable?

  • If it is something you want to progress further, take evidence of the comment such as a screenshot. You may be entitled to escalate it further to the police. If you would like help with this, please contact Simon Powner – UP Social Media Manager: simon.powner@ultimatepoolgroup.com - who can assist you.

  • Besides any unkind comments you may receive online, you may want to consider how you handle social media as it can become an overwhelming place at times.

  • You may want to separate personal and pool-related time on social media platforms. You can change settings if you’d like to keep your profile a bit more private. You may also want to consider creating a specific fan page / account for yourself so fans can only follow your pool progress and not your personal life. UPG are happy to assist in setting these up if you are new or inexperienced with social media.

  • If you feel that social media is getting on top of you in any way, consider managing your time on it. Maybe try avoiding it whilst you’re at events or before you go to sleep. You may even want to take a small break away from social media altogether.

Don’t fall foul of online outbursts

On the flip side, you too have responsibilities online that you need to consider.

As a UPG player or official, you represent yourself, the organisation and the sport as a whole through your actions and comments online. Think before you type. The UPG will be monitoring social media.

The UPG wants you to stay positive with social media and to show your personality and colours - you are the stars of the show.

We all have free speech to express ourselves on social media, but we must be mindful of our words and actions on it. Only we are responsible for this, and it is there for all to see. Please try to avoid controversial subjects. These often attract the ‘keyboard warriors’ looking for a bite.

Try not to make comments after a defeat or when you are angry or stressed. Take time out to cool down and sit with your own thoughts. If you have a grievance about something, please report to the UPG through the correct channels as previously documented.

If you are going to post something online, ask yourself why you are putting it on and what do you want to get out of it? Is this a good idea to say this now?

Remember, even if you later delete a comment, it may still appear in the future.

Any player or official thought to be bringing the UPG or the sport of 8-ball pool into disrepute following comments made online may be subject to disciplinary action. Please consider the Players Code of Conduct located in these UPG Standard Terms and Conditions.

Try to post meaningful content that fans will engage with. We have a bank of images that we have collected from our events. They are there for you to use. How you carry yourself online is very important in the modern era. Potential sponsors will often track your activity (or lack of) and this could impact your future opportunities.

Ideas on how to promote yourself are always welcome. The UPG are happy to work with players to best develop themselves and their brand. This is key to the growth of the sport. Please approach Simon Powner l with any ideas you may have for content or promotion.

Help us to help you

Social media has already been a valuable tool for Ultimate Pool’s progress.

The UPG wants to show the world what an amazing sport 8-ball pool is and how talented and entertaining its top-level players are.

We really appreciate players, officials and fans sharing posts and information on social media in order to reach new audiences across the globe.

Ultimate Pool Statement on Social Media Abuse

The Ultimate Pool Group categorically condemns any hateful or abusive language aimed at its players, supporters or staff. Such vicious, personal attacks have no place in the pool world or wider society.

Such actions will not be tolerated by Ultimate Pool. Comments on social media are closely monitored and anyone found to be making or being complicit with these types of remark could face consequences such as a ban from UPG events.

The UPG continues to welcome questions, opinions and expressions of free speech, but these must be done in a respectful and constructive manner through the proper communication channels.


1. Overview

If it has been suggested that a player or an official has breached any of the UPG’s Standard Terms and Conditions and brought the sport of International 8-Ball Pool Rules into disrepute, the player/official in question may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

2. Complaint/Incident

An alleged breach or incident can be brought to the attention of the UPG either ‘on the spot’ (verbally) - for example, on-site at an event, or at a subsequent date (in writing).

3. Preliminary Investigation and Decision

If an alleged breach/incident is brought up on the spot, at least two UPG Officials – who were not directly involved with the breach/incident – will decide on whether action needs to be taken on site (this may mean an instant disqualification/dismissal from venue and or suspension until further notice of the player/official in question) or if disciplinary proceedings (such as a hearing) are required at a later date.

UPG Officials making an on-site decision relating to an alleged breach/incident may seek advice from fellow officials who are not present at the venue. UPG Officials will gather any evidence and may interview any relevant witnesses.

The UPG will decide whether it is in the best interests to resolve the issue there and then, or at a subsequent date.

If an alleged breach/incident is brought to the attention of the UPG at a later date (for example, away from an event), the same process as above (in this Point 3) will be applied.

4. Disciplinary Proceedings – Before, During and After

Should a disciplinary hearing be required, the offending player/official will be informed in writing and may face a suspension until the outcome.

The offending player/official will be invited in writing to attend the disciplinary hearing and informed that they may bring a chaperone with them. The offending player/official will be advised that should they not attend the hearing, an outcome may be made in their absence.

A disciplinary committee at such hearings will consist of at least two UPG board members or officers. No member/official that was directly involved with the initial alleged breach/incident shall be allowed to sit on such a disciplinary committee.

After all information and evidence has been heard from all sides in a hearing, the disciplinary committee may convene to make a decision. At the end of the hearing, the player/official (if present) will be invited back and informed of the decision and any such punishment that they will incur.

Following the hearing, the player/official will also receive these outcomes in writing within seven days. This correspondence will also inform the player/official of their Right to Appeal (pursuant to section 5 below), the process behind this and the timeframe they have in order to lodge an appeal.

5. Right to Appeal

An offending player/official has the right to appeal the outcome of any such preliminary decision or disciplinary hearing. The player/official will have been advised of a timeframe they have in order to launch an appeal.

For a player/official to launch a legitimate appeal, they must either provide additional information or evidence (such as a new witness) that hasn't been considered previously.

A legitimate appeal will require an appeal hearing. Prior to the appeal hearing, the same process that is used for a disciplinary hearing will be applied, with the persons involved all being invited to the hearing in writing.

The appeal committee will consist of at least two UPG board members or officers who weren't on the disciplinary committee or who were directly involved with the initial alleged breach/incident.

After all information and evidence has been heard from all sides in an appeal hearing, the appeals committee may convene to make a decision. At the end of the hearing, the player/official (if present) will be invited back and informed of the decision and any such punishment that they will incur.

Following the appeal hearing, the player will also receive these outcomes in writing within seven days.

6. Disciplinary Outcome and Action

At the conclusion of a preliminary investigation, disciplinary hearing or appeal hearing, the relevant committee will take action on one of the following options:

  • No action to be taken
  • Initial warning letter
  • Formal warning letter
  • Suspended fine
  • Fine
  • Suspended ban
  • Ban

In addition to the above, the player in question may forfeit any prize money and/or ranking points that were related to the incident. The player may also forfeit their entry fee.

7. Record Keeping and Correspondence

A written record of all such alleged breaches/incidents will be kept on file.

At disciplinary hearings and appeal hearings, minutes will be taken. The person taking these minutes will not be permitted to participate in the hearing, or the outcome of the hearing. Those involved in the hearing may request the minute taker to relay information that has already been said.

A press release will be published after any disciplinary hearing or appeal hearing, but this will only be released to the public after the player/official in question has received the hearing outcome themselves.


24/08/2022 - Addition to Section Five:

If a 'series' (Professional, Challenger or Women's) player turns up to a series event without the polo shirt/shirt that they have been supplied with, they must purchase an official Ultimate Pool polo top as a replacement on-site and wear this before they are deemed ready to play.

From 2023, 'series' players will be able to wear any Ultimate Pool/Badger Sportswear polo-tops for events, providing the clothing has been supplied by or bought off Ultimate Pool.

12/09/2022 - Addition to opening summary:

Please note, it is the responsibility of the player to be aware of any changes to these terms - please read before each event - and to keep the UPG informed of any changes to their contact details.

12/09/2022 - Addition to Rule 14 in Section One:

Inclusion of the term 'smart watch'.

18/10/2022 - Addition to Rule 3 in Section One:

Players who are classed as a professional by any other 8-ball pool organisation are not permitted to enter any Ultimate Pool 'Series'. This includes, but is not limited to, the Professional/Pro Series, Challenger Series and Women's Series.

16/11/2022 - Edit to Section Five

For 2023, all 'Series' players must wear the shirt they have been allocated for the 2023 season, although they are also permitted to wear their 2022 'Series' shirt.

has replaced: From 2023, 'series' players will be able to wear any Ultimate Pool/Badger Sportswear polo-tops for events, providing the clothing has been supplied by or bought off Ultimate Pool.

16/11/2022 - Addition to Rule 5 in Section One

The UPG has the right to put a 'wildcard' player into a seeded position for an event.

15/03/2023 - Amendment and addition to Rule 6 in Section One

Addition of relegation.

Any professional snooker player wildcards with Ultimate Pool professional player status are exempt from relegation.

24/10/2023 - Edit to Section Four

An amended policy with clearer guidance.